
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are becoming increasingly popular forms of birth control. They’re especially convenient for busy women who may find it hard to remember to take a daily pill, since they require little attention over the long-term while still delivering highly effective pregnancy prevention. Many women considering this form of contraceptive have questions, the most common of which are answered below.

5 Commonly Asked IUD Birth Control Questions

How do IUDs work?

IUDs are T-shaped devices that are available in two options: with hormones or without. Plastic IUDs release small amounts of hormones into the uterus, which thicken cervical mucus and prevent sperm from entering and fertilizing. Alternatively, hormone-free models are made of copper, an agent that’s toxic to sperm, thereby preventing fertilization.

Which type is right for me?

Women who use hormonal options may find that their periods are lighter or even nonexistent, while copper kinds may make menstruation heavier. Copper units last longer, however, and are excellent alternatives for women who can’t use hormonal birth control.

What are the advantages compared to other options?

birth controlMany women prefer IUDs because they’re low-maintenance yet over 99% effective. Depending on the type of device, pregnancy prevention can also last between 4 to 10 years, requiring no more than routine well-woman appointments. They’re also comfortable and discreet for most women. 

What does the insertion process entail?

Regardless of your selected IUD type, your OB-GYN will insert the implement into your uterus. It’s common to feel mild discomfort or cramping during the process, but this typically goes away shortly after. Many women describe the implantation procedure as a brief pinching sensation. Over-the-counter analgesics are usually enough to relieve the pain. 

Can you feel the IUD after it’s been placed?

Neither you nor your sexual partner will be able to feel your IUD once it has been implanted. However, if you do feel any unfamiliar sensation in your pelvic region, contact your doctor, because your IUD could be out of place.


If you’re exploring your birth control options and would like to learn more about the best contraceptive to suit your needs, contact Thameside ObGyn Centre in Groton, CT. Specializing in comprehensive women’s health services, this office provides individualized treatments for female patients throughout all phases of life. Learn more about their available services on their website or call (860) 445-5107 to schedule an appointment.
