
Clogged drains, leaks and broken pipes don’t happen overnight. They’re usually a result of bad habits that develop over time. The way you care for your pipes and drains can either prevent or cause the need for plumbing repair. As such, it’s good to know which bad habits are causing plumbing issues so you can avoid them.

3 Bad Habits That Will Ruin Your Plumbing

1. Putting the Wrong Things Down the Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal is handy for getting rid of most food waste, but there are some foods that it’s not designed to handle. Coffee grounds, eggshells, pasta, orange peels, and fibrous foods will not only strain the unit but also lead to a clog. Putting cooking oil or grease down the drain will cause fat to buildup along the pipeline, eventually leading to a clog. Also, never put anything that isn’t food down the drain. Unlike food particles which build up in the drain over time, items made of metal, paper or glass can lead to instant clogs which are harder to dislodge and can result in extensive pipe damage.

2. Flushing Things down the Toilet

You’re sure to need plumbing repairs if you plumbing repair make a habit of throwing items like hygiene products, cotton balls, and Q-tips down the toilet. Toddlers are also fascinated by toilets bowls and like to watch things magically swoosh away after pressing the lever. Kids toys and other solid non-biodegradable objects can quickly cause extensive damage to your plumbing system when flushed. As a rule of thumb, only flush human waste and toilet paper down the bowl. However, avoid the “fluffier” type of toilet paper as they can expand in the drain and cause clogs.

3. Using Chemicals to Fix Clogs

Many homeowners resort to using harsh chemical products to remove clogs. In most cases, these chemical are just temporary fixes that may even worsen the problem. Some pipes develop leaks or get broken due to chemical corrosion inside the pipes. Instead of messing with chemicals, call a plumber to address the problem.


When one of your bad habits results in plumbing problems, Tarvin Plumbing can help. The family-owned company provides reliable plumbing repairs to homeowners in Cincinnati, OH. They also offer bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling, sump pump installation, and water treatment. Call (513) 321-5726 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to view their services.
