
Ridesharing is an incredibly popular way to get around nowadays, especially in bigger cities like Omaha and Lincoln, NE. But even though these services are more affordable and convenient than other kinds of road travel, they will never be safer. Auto accident attorneys know better than anyone that there is no foolproof way to prevent motor-vehicle collisions. If you were hurt while riding as a passenger in an Uber® or Lyft® car, here's what you should know. 

You Cannot Sue the Ridesharing Service

Because Uber and Lyft drivers are considered independent contractors, the companies they work under are not liable for their actions. The standard insurance purchased by the driver of the Uber or Lyft excludes insurance coverage when the vehicle is being used for commercial purposes. So you probably won’t be able to successfully turn the claim in to the driver’s insurance carrier. However, both ridesharing giants provide their drivers with insurance coverage when transporting passengers. That means while you cannot sue Uber or Lyft directly, you may be able to file a claim with their insurance provider. An auto accident attorney can help you navigate this process and will be happy to handle all correspondence with the insurance adjuster. 

You Must Prove Fault to Recover a Payout 

auto accident attorneyThe ridesharing company’s insurance provider will only give you a payout if you can prove the driver was liable for the wreck. If another motorist caused the collision, you will have to pursue compensation from his or her insurer. Evidence that will contribute to your claim might include eyewitness testimony, dash cam footage from nearby vehicles, photographs of the wreckage, official police reports, cell phone records, and black box data, which your auto accident attorney can help collect.


If you were hurt while traveling in a ridesharing vehicle, turn to Salerno & Associates. One of the leading auto accident attorneys in Omaha, NE, Terrence J. Salerno has more than three decades of experience pursuing compensation from reckless and negligent parties. He is well-versed in the laws governing medical malpractice, wrongful death, and other personal injury scenarios. To get in touch with this well-respected lawyer, call (402) 502-9002 or complete the form on his website
