
Death is a tough process to navigate, no matter your age. However, bereavement can be vastly different for kids than adults. With a different perspective of the world and less experience, children are easily upset or confused by the loss of a loved one. Fortunately, by planning your approach and utilizing grief counseling resources, you can help your child experience death in a healthy manner. If you’re unsure of how to handle this life challenge, keep the following tips in mind.

How to Help Kids With Bereavement

Invite Questions & Use Simple Explanations

Since young children take explanations literally, you should address the death with clarity and avoid confusing euphemisms. For example, instead of saying the deceased “went to sleep,” you should be honest about how the individual has passed away and will not be coming back.

grief counselingWhile it may take time, let them know you are there to answer any questions they have. If you have trouble explaining the process, there are many children’s books that can help present this information in a kid-friendly fashion. Furthermore, if your child isn’t expressive, don’t make them share their feelings upfront. Instead, take time to express your own thoughts and then see if they reciprocate.

Welcome Participation in Funeral Activities

If a child is old enough to understand the funeral, it’s usually appropriate for them to attend. In many cases, the funeral is an opportunity for them to say their goodbyes and achieve some closure. However, you should never force a child to go. Before the funeral, take time to explain to your child what will happen during the event—and why these activities take place.

Consider Grief Counseling

When death causes a child emotional distress—such as depression or anxiety—grief counseling can be a useful resource. Counselors understand how to discuss this tough subject in a way that is appropriate for the child’s development level. They also provide guidance to help families process the death and embrace healing.


As a mental health professional that understands bereavement, Sondra Sexton-Jones offers comprehensive grief counseling to patients of all ages in Juneau, AK.  Whether your little one is experiencing depression, anxiety, anger, or fear, this licensed counselor will approach the topic with sensitivity and support and help them move forward in a positive manner. For more information on the mental health resources she provides, visit her clinic online. To schedule an appointment, call (907) 586-3313.
