
For a youngster going to the dentist for a filling for the first time, it can be scary. Between not knowing what to expect and picking up on parental cues, it’s easy to see why kids may be a little frightful—but luckily, parents can show their children that there’s nothing to fear. Below are a few steps to prepare your child for their appointment and minimize their stress associated with it.

Getting Your Child Ready for Their First Dental Filling

1. Project an Air of Calm

Children pick up on their parents’ worries, so try to remain calm and positive when talking about the upcoming dentist appointment. Reassure your child that cavities are very common, but also encourage them to make improvements in their oral hygiene habits to avoid more tooth decay in the future.

2. Tell Them What to Expect

Fear of the unknown is bound to increase your child’s anxiety about getting a filling for the first time, so talk to them about what they will experience at their appointment. There’s no need to describe the procedure in graphic detail, but you can explain in kid-friendly terms that they will be getting a quick shot to numb their mouth, and the dentist will be using a small drill on their tooth. Give your child a chance to ask questions about anything they don’t understand.

3. Make Them Comfortable

Cottleville dentistOn the day of the appointment, help your child stay as relaxed and comfortable as possible. Pick out clothes that will help them feel secure, such as a favorite soft T-shirt or even a pair of cozy pajamas. Allow your child to bring a good luck charm or a comforting item from home, such as a special blanket or a beloved stuffed animal. After the procedure, monitor how your child is feeling, and administer a mild analgesic if they experience any pain or sensitivity in their gums.


Whether it’s your child’s first filling or a routine teeth cleaning for yourself, your family deserves attentive, caring dental work. Genovese Dental in Cottleville, MO, is a general dentistry practice serving patients of all ages. Whether you need a routine exam, dental implants, dentures, or a cosmetic dentistry procedure like teeth whitening, their compassionate team is dedicated to providing you with the high-quality dental care you deserve. Call (636) 928-4090 to schedule a dentist appointment, and visit their website to learn more about the practice.
