
If you sit behind a computer all day or spend hours standing behind a counter, it can be easy to slouch as you get busy with work. Unfortunately, poor posture can lead to back pain and neck tension, as it puts a strain on the body. If frequent discomfort is interfering with your daily routine, here are a few tips to correct your posture and decrease pain and stiffness as a result.

How Can You Improve Your Posture & Relieve Back Pain?

1. Improve Your Office Furniture

If you work at a desk, chances are you spend most of your day in a seated position. Having good office furniture is a must in this case, especially when it comes to your chair. A reliable office chair should provide ample lower back support, while also allowing you to easily reach your desk and keep your feet flat on the floor. If you can’t seem to get comfortable in your chair, talk to your supervisor about making an upgrade.

2. Check Your Posture While Standing & Sitting

Back PainDistributing your weight evenly when standing is integral for preventing back pain. Your feet should take the brunt of your weight, and it should be distributed across the front, back, and both sides. When sitting, keep your back and shoulders straight and feet flat on the floor. You want to avoid unbalanced positions, such as crossing your legs, as it can strain one side of the body.

3. Take Frequent Breaks

Even with the proper sitting posture, you should still take frequent breaks to stretch your limbs. In addition to changing positions, get up about every half hour or so to stretch or take a brief stroll around your office. This will take pressure off different bodily structures, including your back and neck.


Poor posture can do a number on your body over time, especially when it comes to back pain. Fortunately, the team at Physical Therapy Specialists in Dothan, AL, can provide tips on how to improve your posture, while also offering treatments to help you heal. With pain management as the ultimate goal, they provide physical therapy, post-surgical treatment, injury rehabilitation, and many other vital services. Because each patient is unique, they customize treatment plans to ensure your needs are met. To schedule an appointment, call (334) 673-2422 today.
