
A clogged drain is one of the most common problems plumbers fix. Often, a plumber shows up to the scene only after a homeowner has made matters worse by attempting drain cleaning on their own. While it’s always best to hire a plumber to do the cleaning, here’s what you should avoid doing if you decide to go the DIY route.

Drain Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid

1. Using Chemical Drain Cleaners Frequently

Store-bought drain cleaner can be a quick, short-term fix for clogged sinks, but they could lead to bigger, more extensive problems in the long run if used often or in strong concentrations. Harsh chemicals from drain cleaners corrode pipes, leading to leaks and damage throughout your plumbing system.

2. Using the Wrong Plunger

drain cleaningMany homeowners are unaware that there are two kinds of plungers. One that’s used for the toilet while the other one is used for the sink. The sink plunger has a flat bottom while the toilet plunger has a bell-shaped or accordion-shaped base. Using the wrong one will make it difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of the clog.

3. Improper Use of A Drain Snake

A drain snake is an excellent device used for drain cleaning. The mistake most people make is that they try to force the snake into complicated pipe corners. Doing so damages the lining of your plumbing and may still not remove the clog.

4. Making Use of Common Household Items

Some people improvise by using a wire hanger poke open the clog. In most cases, this tactic doesn’t work as the clog is already too far down the pipe to be reached. Other people may use a garden hose to spray a strong force of water down the drain in an attempt to clear it. But, doing this may unhinge debris along the side of the piping and make the clog worse.


When all your DIY tactics for drain cleaning fail, get the job done the right way with the help of the plumbers at Baity Plumbing Co. Serving the Triad area since 1976, providing residential and commercial plumbing, which includes pipe and leak repair as well as sewer line cleaning among other services. Call (336) 475-0921 for a plumber or make an inquiry via their website.
