
When you’re going to start regularly towing, it’s paramount that you properly prepare your vehicle for the extra load. Whether you’re heading to a camping trip or transporting supplies, keeping an extra key out with the right attention and truck accessories will keep you safer on the road. Here’s a guide to what you should be thinking about before towing. 

Tips for Getting Your Truck Ready for Towing

1. Get Up-to-Date on Maintenance

Due to the strain that towing entails, it’s urgent that your truck is in tip-top shape before you put it to work. That means it should have everything from fresh oil (that strain will generate more heat than usual) to properly-inflated tires. It’s even worth scheduling your yearly mechanic’s inspection before you start to confirm that your vehicle is up to the task at hand. 

2. Know Your Limits

truck accessoriesPerhaps the most important single truck accessory for towing is the trailer hitch, which links your vehicle and its cargo. There are a variety of different Hitch Classes, so it’s helpful to learn some background information before making a quick purchase. First, try to estimate roughly how many pounds you’ll be towing. Then, talk to the hitch retailer about which class might be appropriate for you. For instance, if you’re towing less than 3,500 lbs., a Class 2 may be the right fit. 

3. Consider Some Helpers

To give your truck the best chance of towing successfully, there are a few tools and amenities to consider. With the additional weight, shocks can be extra onerous and even damaging to the suspension, so many drivers choose to add on helper springs, which help withstand that extra load. And since visibility is always a concern with towing, one last truck accessory to consider is extended mirrors, which will help you see what’s happening behind you. 


If you’re looking to correctly outfit your truck for a towing job, it’s worth talking to the truck accessories specialist, Truckshop USA, in Stevens Point, WI, to check that you have everything you need. In business since 1997, the locally owned and operated shop will work with you to ensure that your towing trip is safe and that it puts the lowest possible stress on your vehicle. To inquire about inventory, call (715) 342-9150. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
