
Dealing with insects of any kind can be a nuisance, but it’s especially troubling when you can’t quite recognize the critter sitting in front of you. There are several types of bugs that are commonly found in Alabama, however, and understanding what they are can help you recognize when to contact a pest control service. Here’s what you should know.

Which Bugs Are Typically Found in Alabama?

1. Japanese Beetles

pest control serviceJapanese beetles are notorious for their ability to eat through beautiful blooms with something of a furious vengeance. They’re attracted to everything from roses to cherry trees and can produce significant damage during their six-week feeding period in the early summer. At this stage, the adult beetles die after laying their eggs near their favorite food sources. The result: a new generation of Japanese beetles that hatches just in time to enjoy plants and flowers during the next growing season.

2. Giant Resin Bees

True to their name, giant resin bees are especially large. Although native to Asia, they arrived on American shores during the early 1990s and have since made their way south. The conspicuous insect doesn’t sting unless it’s bothered, but it does have a tendency to invade the carpenter bee’s personal space.

3. Brown Recluse Spiders

The unfortunate reality is that brown recluse spiders can prove extremely dangerous if you suffer a bite, so it’s crucial to contact a pest control service if you suspect an infestation. Because they are genuinely reclusive, you’re unlikely to actually see one—but you may notice its bite if you develop a wound that is difficult to heal. Always have a local exterminator inspect for your safety.

4. Fire Ants

The black imported fire ant reportedly made its first appearance in America when it arrived in Mobile in 1918. The red imported fire ant made its Alabamian debut shortly thereafter, and it wasn’t long before the intrepid insect spread through the state. Because these bugs can sting and cause allergic reactions, it’s important to have a pest control service check your home if you suspect a problem.


If you’re concerned that you’re dealing with an insect infestation, you can trust in the team at Copter Pest Control in Enterprise, AL, to assist every step away. Offering reliable pest control services throughout the community, the local exterminators can handle any type of unwanted critter with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a spider infestation, a bedbug outbreak, or termites, they’re ready to resolve it for you. Visit the website to learn more about them, or call (334) 347-2430 to schedule an appointment.
