
Access control systems offer unique security measures to safeguard property, goods, and information. These technical devices promote compliance with many state and local laws and provide unmatched on-site safety. It can be difficult to know which will work best for your needs. Here are a few of the most popular options to help with the decision-making process.

3 Access Control System Options for Commercial Buildings

1. Key Cards  

access control system Hamilton County OHMany companies use a credential system with key cards to provide access to various parts of the building. Each person has a key card and swipes or taps it on a reader next to the door to unlock it. Technicians often install these systems on exterior doors to let people into the building. They are also featured throughout the structure to protect areas with sensitive or high-value contents like files, computers, or goods.

It’s easy to create different security levels to allow some staff into certain areas while keeping others limited to more general spots. Additionally, every key card is associated with an individual, making it easy to track access and movement to ensure the cards are being used appropriately.

2. Passwords or PINs

Some companies prefer using passwords to allow staff entry. This option does not require a physical key card, which can be beneficial as employees may forget their card at home or lose it. However, it’s critical that employees know the password or PIN and don’t write the information where an outsider may find it and trespass. 

Staff can enter passwords or PINs on keypads located next to exterior doors or rooms that contain sensitive information or goods. If a person incorrectly enters a PIN or password a predetermined amount of times, the access control system will lock the individual out and may contact on-site security or local police. 

3. Biometrics

Companies that are looking for especially high levels of security may choose biometric access control systems. These programs read fingerprints, hand geometry, faces, or retinas to ensure only those with access can get into the building. It is highly unlikely that anyone can replicate these biomarkers, which is why industries that require high security like banks and hospitals often choose this technology. 


If you want to upgrade a commercial security system, consider contacting Fortress Safe & Lock in Hamilton County, OH. The team has over 25 years of industry experience and can offer access control system installation, lock repair, storefront door installation and more. Call (513) 772-4392 to schedule a consultation, and visit the website for information about their access control system options.
