
Water is one of the most precious resources we have. Not only does it make up approximately 60% of the weight of a human body, but it also is fundamental in creating many of the products we use in today’s society—from computer chips to car parts. For these industries that use water for production, water treatment helps purify their supply so that it doesn’t cause corrosion or spread contamination. The guide below explains some ways water gets polluted in the first place.

3 Common Sources of Pollution

1. Farming

Fertilizer helps to grow lush crops, while pesticides keep bugs away from them. However, when it rains, these chemicals can run from their fields into nearby water sources, like lakes and ponds. In excess, the nutrients in them can also feed algae blooms in the water, which can cause problems for the local fish life.

2. Improper Disposal

water managementAdditionally, littering continues to be a large problem, with reportedly 5.25 trillion pieces of debris floating in the ocean as of 2015. Substances like motor oil and paint are toxic when consumed, which is why water drawn from natural sources needs water treatment before it can be used.

3. Wastewater

Approximately 80% of the water we use gets cycled back into the world without water treatment. As a result, rivers and streams get polluted with the dirt from our showers, metal residue from factories, and road salt from when snowmelt runs into the sewers. And yet, on a hopeful note, increasing efforts are being made to send this wastewater through treatment facilities, so that it can be reused again and again, rather than being drawn from natural environments.


If your business in New Mexico or El Paso, TX, needs a reliable water treatment company to meet EPA regulations and maximize efficiency, turn to the experts at Western Environmental Management. With more than three decades of experience, they can identify potential pollutants, prevent stagnant fracking ponds, and treat your water supply with the necessary softeners and reverse osmosis systems. To learn more about their services, call (575) 885-5709 or visit them online.
