
Since most roofs are built to last about 20–25 years, many homeowners will have to replace theirs at least once in their lifetime. It’s a major home improvement project, but it raises your property’s value and keeps it protected from serious issues. Before the roofing contractor visits, however, there are certain steps to take that will make the process go much smoother.

How to Prepare for a Roof Replacement

1. Clear Your Yard

Before the roofing contractor brings a team out for your replacement, it’s helpful to clear out the yard and deck of patio furniture, grills, and potted plants. Not only does this clear a pathway for the workers, but it also protects your belongings from falling debris as the contractors tear your old roof off. 

2. Inform Your Neighbors

A roof replacement is a big job, so it’s wise to inform your neighbors before getting it underway. It’s a kind courtesy, but the contractors might need extra space to park their trucks or dumpsters without causing issues for the surrounding houses.

3. Remove Vehicles From Driveway & Garage

roofing contractorMoving your vehicles away from the house frees up additional space for the team of contractors, allowing them to easily access the roof. Much like the belongings in the yard, clearing out vehicles helps ensure they aren’t accidentally damaged from falling debris during the teardown.

4. Prepare the Attic

Since the attic is right below the roof, it’s important to remove any valuables you might have stored up there, as it’s possible for them to be damaged by the roofing contractors during the replacement. Once it’s cleared out, lay down tarps or drop cloths. This makes cleaning up all of the dust and leftover debris much easier once the new roof has been put on.


By following these steps, you can be prepared when the roofing contractor shows up at your home. For more tips to ensure a smooth roof replacement, contact the team of professionals at AAA Affordable Roofing in Charlotte, NC. For more than 46 years, their contractors have specialized in roof work, and they’ll work with you to ensure your new roof is installed quickly and professionally. Schedule a free estimate today by calling (704) 564-5597 or visiting them online.  