
Hearing loss can occur for all sorts of reasons, including age, genetic predisposition, and injury to the ear. But a healthy, productive life is still very much possible, and steps can be taken to prevent the problem from worsening. Making the following lifestyle changes can actually preserve your hearing and prevent more damaging effects from occurring.

Protect Yourself Against Loud Noises

Being exposed to loud noises over an extended period of time will damage your ears. Along with hearing loss, you may also develop tinnitus or chronic ringing. If you work in an environment where you’re regularly subjected to loud noises, make sure you use proper ear protection all the time. Also, be cautious about attending concerts and listening to headphones at an elevated level. When the condition is already present, it pays to be extra vigilant. 

Quit Smoking

Hearing LossResearch shows that smokers face a greater risk of losing their hearing. One Japanese study even showed that your chance of hearing damage increases with each cigarette you smoke, with smokers being 60% more likely to suffer from high-frequency hearing loss. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your hearing as well as your general health. 

Pay Frequent Visits to Your Audiologist

Age-related hearing issues are often slow to progress, which is why visiting your audiologist on a frequent basis is so important. Here you can learn methods for preserving your hearing as well as receive treatment for issues that arise. Adults in good health usually have their hearing tested every three to five years. As you get older, you may want to have tests performed more frequently, especially if hearing loss is already present.


Northwest Alabama Hearing Clinic knows how upsetting hearing loss can be. Licensed audiologist Dr. Angie Kerr will identify the cause of your issue and help you find an effective solution. This may include a hearing aid or other devices that boost volume and clarify sound while also being comfortable and easy to use. If you’re concerned about the quality of your hearing or are experiencing other symptoms, call (205) 952-9944 to schedule an appointment in Hamilton, AL. Visit the website to learn more about the clinic’s services.
