
Whether you're maintaining your home or cleaning your storefront windows, pollen is a challenge. During the spring, all the pollen in the air can coat your windows and commercial glass doors, leaving them dirty and opaque. To keep them looking clean and to let the sunlight in, here are a few cleaning tips.

How to Clean Pollen From Home & Storefront Windows

1. Clean Frequently

Storefront WindowsAs you clean the windows more often, it will become easier to get all the pollen off. Pollen that is allowed to build up and stay on the glass for a long time will stick more stubbornly, so don't try to wait until the season's end.

2. Pressure Wash

A pressure washer is more effective than a hose because you can precisely control the flow of water and ensure it's hitting the window with enough force to dislodge dust and pollen. Rent a pressure washer if you don't own one, and read the manual to select the appropriate pressure for your windows to avoid accidental damage.

3. Rinse Your Screens

Throughout the spring, your screens will get dirty, too. They may not need cleaning as frequently as the glass, but you should still rinse them occasionally to keep them attractive and as transparent as possible.

4. Watch for "Pollen Storms"

In dry, windy weather, there is often more pollen in the air. Rain will cut the amount of pollen temporarily, but the precipitation also contributes to increased plant growth, which will mean more pollen later. Plan your window-cleaning schedule around the weather forecast; if high pollen counts are expected for a few days in a row, wait until after this “pollen storm” has passed to clean the windows.


If you need new glass shower enclosures, patio rooms, or storefront windows, choose Aladdin's Glass & Screen Products. This locally owned and operated company in Lexington and Nicholasville, KY, has over 25 years of experience in glass repair, installation, and custom fabrication for homes and businesses throughout Jessamine County. They can create custom mirrors and frameless shower doors to customize your home. To request a free estimate, call (859) 887-4070, and visit them online to learn more about their storefront window options.
