
If your employees are finding it difficult to keep their eyes open at work, the answer may not be more coffee, but more sunlight. Windowless work spaces interfere with the natural sleep cycle and employee health, resulting in a documented loss of productivity for your business. Here’s all you need to know about the effect of windowless rooms, and why you may want to consider installing commercial glass windows in your office to combat workplace blues and boost the productivity of your company.

What Is the Sick Building Syndrome?

commercial glassSymptoms such as difficulty focusing, fatigue, and irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, observed in office workers are known as sick building syndrome. These were traditionally blamed on poor airflow and pollution, but in recent years, researchers saw a connection between sick building syndrome and a lack of windows. Studies have shown that people who work in windowless spaces tend to be unhappier and even less healthy than those who have a view. 

How Does Sunlight Affect Productivity?

A lack of daily sunshine reduces melatonin levels, the hormone that helps us sleep. Lack of sleep affects memory, attention span, and overall health. Enclosed spaces also deprive us of vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and the prevention of diseases ranging from heart disease to multiple sclerosis. Though commercial glass windows may block some vitamin D from the sun, simply being able to observe sunlight helps maintain our natural circadian rhythm and ward off seasonal depression


If you’re looking to install commercial glass windows in your office in Marion County, OR and the surrounding areas, visit Woodburn Radiator and Glass. From skylights to storefronts, these commercial glass experts offer everything you need to increase workplace productivity and employee wellness. Visit their website to learn about their additional radiator services, or call (503) 982-3421 to receive a free quote.
