
When it comes to pet care, many dog owners spend more time thinking about their animal’s fur than their skin. While abnormalities can be disconcerting, hot spots are a common dermatological issue. Luckily, they can be treated by an animal skin care professional. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know to ensure your pet receives the treatment they need.

A Dog Owner’s Guide to Hot Spots


animal-skin-care-veterinary-dermatology-servicesHot spots—formally known as acute moist dermatitis—are a skin disorder that occurs in dogs. They appear suddenly and are caused when dogs regularly lick and chew on a single area, usually because of skin irritation from an insect bite, fleas, or allergies. Larger spots usually appear red and may bleed. An animal skin care professional needs to determine the underlying cause of the hot spot to decide on treatment and the best ways to prevent infection.


Hot spots can be easy to treat once the animal skin care professional determines the cause. If the problem is an insect bite, a pet dermatologist will make sure there isn’t an accompanying infection, such as from a tick bite. To relieve itching, they’ll recommend an anti-inflammatory or antibiotic either in the form of a pill, injection, or topical cream. The dog may also need to wear a protective cone to prevent further licking and chewing while the site heals, as hot spots can reoccur. To prevent them, you need to bathe and groom your pet regularly and reduce their exposure to insects. If they have any skin allergies, their veterinarian can provide information about which triggers to avoid, such as shampoos or pollen.


Dr. Patrick T. Breen, DVM, ACVD, and the team at Veterinary Dermatology Services proudly serve pets throughout Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana. They offer comprehensive animal skin care services and treat allergy-related issues. You can explore their pet dermatology offerings in full online and call (513) 489-4644 to schedule an exam.
