
Bugs are crucial to the health of your property, serving as food for birds and pollinators for plants. Knowing which ones help your trees and which ones harm them will help you tailor your tree care services to address concerns more effectively. The guide below explains some of the species to look out for.

Bugs You Want

Beneficial insects demonstrate tree care either by pollinating your property or helping control populations of harmful bugs. Crucial pollinators include bumblebees and butterflies, which help flowers to grow and thrive.

Bugs like the praying mantis and ladybug feed on many soft-bodied insects that harm plants. As a result, by introducing them into your outdoor environment, you can reduce the number of unwanted critters around your property without having to resort to often counter-productive pesticides.

Bugs You Don’t Want

tree careUnwanted pests are those that feed on or destroy the leaves, trunks, or roots of trees, often requiring professional intervention. They include species like aphids, which feast on the sap inside the tree, as well as carpenter ants and wood-boring beetles, which tunnel into the trunk and interfere with nutrition dispersal.If you notice any of your trees declining in health, consult a licensed tree service company for assistance. Attempting to control the situation with at-home tree care methods may result in further damage.


At Lincoln Tree Service, Inc. in Lincoln, NE, you’ll receive expert-level tree care from licensed professionals. For over 25 years, they have offered tree removal, trimming, diagnostics, fertilization, cabling and bracing, and treatment for diseases. Explore their services further online. Or call (402) 466-1627 to schedule an appointment today. 
