
No one wants to see his or her pet in pain, and, if your pet needs attention, it is important to get him or her to the vet as soon as possible. Waipio Pet Clinic in Oahu, HI, is a trusted veterinary practice that cares just as much for your furry friend as you do.

The veterinary experts know that it is sometimes difficult to tell if your pet is in real pain. To help you determine whether your pet needs immediate veterinary care, they have provided the following list of symptoms:

  • Unexplained Belly Growth: If your dog’s belly grows large all of a sudden, it means your dog may have “bloat” and should be taken to the vet immediately.
  • Abnormal Eating Habits: If yourpet isn’t eating or drinking normally, there is a possibility that he or she has eaten something that cannot be digested. Sometimes keeping toys or items away from your pet is just as important as it is with a toddler. If you feel that your pet has swallowed something it shouldn’t have, it could be in major danger.
  • Strange Behavior: If your pet is exhibiting a behavior that is completely different from the usual, it is time to get it checked out. If your dog is normally very active and suddenly becomes slovenly, there is probably something wrong.
  • Excessive Coughing or Vomiting: If your pet is coughing or vomiting all of a sudden, it might mean something isn’t right. Like humans, animals can get sick every once in a while, but, if they exhibit consistent coughing or large amounts of vomiting, they need to see a vet.

Your pet is part of your family, and making sure he or she is always in good health is your responsibility. Watch for odd signs in your animal’s behavior and don’t hesitate to take it to the vet if you think something could be wrong. Waipio Pet Clinic understands how important your animal’s health is, and these veterinarians are extremely helpful in finding and fixing the problem.

Whether your pet needs some medication and rest or emergency pet surgery, visiting the vet can be a lifesaver. For more information on their available veterinary services, visit Waipio Pet Clinic online or call (808) 676-2205.
