
Learning to cooperate with others is an important part of child development, but teaching your little one to share can be challenging. Thankfully, there are simple and effective steps you can take to gradually encourage them to practice fairness and generosity without tears or tantrums. Here are five tips to get you started.

How to Teach Your Child to Share

1. Model Sharing

At the toddler phase of child development, littlechild development ones learn by mimicking the actions of parents and peers. Use this to your advantage by acting as a role model. Invite friends and family to share food, devices, and personal items. Highlight these instances for your little one and use them as teachable moments to point out how sharing makes life better for all. 

2. Use a Timer on Toys

On playdates, talk to the other parents about using a timer. Grab a kitchen timer or a phone and set a limit for popular toys. This will help avoid conflicts and give your children a sense of control, since they’ll better understand what to expect. 

3. Read Books About Sharing

Most children’s books have a moral lesson to be learned, so find stories centered around generosity. Involve your child in the narrative and ask them questions as you go. For instance, you can ask how one character felt when another did not share, or if they thought one character not getting a turn was fair, or how they would feel in a similar situation. Asking questions will keep your child engaged and help them grasp the concept. 

4. Play Games That Require Turns

Find age-appropriate games that involve taking turns or sharing. Board games and card games, for instance, require players to take turns to proceed. Games where players must cooperate, such as building blocks, parachute, and puzzles, are valuable for child development. Your toddler will learn to share and work with others to reach a goal.

5. Praise Generosity

Offer positive reinforcement when you see your child being generous. Giving specific verbal encouragement will help them understand what’s appropriate. It will also make them more likely to associate sharing with happiness. Focusing on rewarding good behavior is often more effective than scolding or negativity for misdeeds. 


Sharing is one of many essential values your child will learn about at Northwest Children’s Center. This child care center offers quality kindergarten, preschool, and toddler education programs to families throughout the Middlesex County, CT, area. Their degree-holding teachers are experienced in all areas of child development, so they know how to work with children to encourage kind and healthy behaviors. They provide a safe and welcoming environment for children of all backgrounds to grow. Call (860) 635-3485 to request a tour, or learn more about their programs online.
