
When you turn a home appliance off, you don’t expect it to waste energy. However, appliances known as energy vampires, contribute to waste. For example, devices on standby or remote-ready power are two examples. To lower your energy bills, it’s important to identify these problematic appliances. Making a few adjustments and working with an electrician will help you save money and benefit the environment.

Common Home Energy Vampires

1. TVs

TVs waste roughly 48.5 W even when they’re on standby power. This mode is designed to keep your TV ready to receive a remote signal at any time, i.e., when you pick up the remote and turn it on. Rather than unplugging your TV after you turn it off, ask an electrician about an energy-saving power strip. These shut down standby power so that your TV only uses energy when it’s on.

2. Computer Features

electricianYour LCD screen, speakers, and other computer components drain energy. These phantom-load appliances waste power by constantly being ready to wake up. If you don’t use your main computer much throughout the day, unplug it. You will notice a decrease in your electric bill.

3. HVAC System

Your furnace and air conditioner are always ready to be turned on and use energy to do so. The furnace can leech nearly 10 W. If you have older units, speak with an electrician about upgrading to an energy-efficient model that will eliminate or reduce phantom drain. New versions also function better and will increase your home’s value.


If you need help making your home more energy-efficient, contact Hylton’s Electric Connection. They have served clients throughout Mercer County, WV, for 25 years. They offer both commercial and residential electrical installations and wireless networking. Explore their services further on their website. Call (304) 325-3101 to speak with an electrician.
