
If you have ever woken up with a sore jaw, a chipped tooth, or a dental fracture, the problem could be bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding. While teeth grinding can be uncomfortable and dangerous, this common condition has several causes and can be prevented. Here are three easy ways to alleviate bruxism. 

3 Tips for Relieving Teeth Grinding Symptoms 

1. Consider a Mouth Guard

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to combat bruxism, talk with your dentist about getting fitted for a custom mouth guard. These special guards are worn overnight and can help cushion the teeth, preventing dental chips and fractures. If you have orthodontic concerns, your dentist may be able to fit you for a guard to address both problems. 

2. Learn to Manage Stress 

bruxismWhile the underlying causes of bruxism are still being studied, stress and anxiety are contributing factors. To ward off symptoms, focus on relieving stress by talking with a counselor, taking time to relax, or exercising. Soothing physical activities, such as yoga, could help you relax your muscles while combating stress. 

3. Talk With Your Dentist About Massages

The muscles that hold the jaw in place are very strong, and may become tight enough to encourage nighttime teeth grinding. As a natural remedy, some dentists recommend massages to relax the jaw. Along with helping you with the massage in-office, your dentist may also teach you at-home techniques. 


Keeping an open line of communication with your dentist can help you resolve your teeth grinding symptoms and protect your smile. The office of Dr. Deborah L. Schafer DDS, MS has been focused on providing comprehensive dental care to people throughout Wayland, NY, for more than 26 years, and can help you with all of your dental health issues, including bruxism and jaw pain. Find great patient resources online, or give their office a call at (585) 728-3830 to schedule an appointment. 
