
Lutheran church services are built around teachings of kindness and forgiveness, but did you know that many lessons also incorporate the values of the Three Days? The Three Days is a holy time of reflection and growth practiced during the days leading up to Easter. As you observe Lent this year, discover more about the Three Days and the vital role they will play in your church services.

Maundy Thursday

The first of the Three Days is Maundy Thursday, and it’s celebrated as a commemoration of the Last Supper. This Thursday is believed to be the day when Jesus and His disciples celebrated the final Passover. During the Passover meal, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a message of humility. On the eve of His death, Jesus reminded us that we must show faith, forgiveness, and grace to one another to observe the words of the Father. Maundy Thursday reminds the church congregation to bestow these same themes, as Jesus did during the Last Supper.

Good Friday

churchAt the center of the Three Day observation is Good Friday, which is when we honor Jesus for His willingness to die by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. While Good Friday can be a difficult service for some because of the suffering Jesus experienced, we observe this sacrifice as a reminder of His love for us.

Vigil of Easter

Easter Vigil is the last observed day, and the vigil is held at sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise of Easter morning. Holy Saturday marks the night Jesus is resurrected, and the people rejoiced His rebirth. Readings, candles, and prayers typically serve an important role in this church service as you honor the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and God’s willingness to freely forgive our sins.


Whether you’re looking for a new church to worship with or want to learn more about the Three Days, visit Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI. The welcoming congregation blends Christian traditions with modern beliefs as a way to practice faith and give back to the community. They also coordinate group Bible study, Sunday service, and outreach projects. View their sermons online, or call (808) 922-6011 to become part of their choir.
