
Every child is different, so there is little you can do to predict how their temperaments will change as they grow. However, there are a few abnormal behavior patterns parents should be aware of. Behavioral specialists warn that the following issues could impact your child’s development.

5 Abnormal Behaviors to Look Out for in Children

1. Inability to Make Friends

Some kids can be shy, but that shouldn’t stop them from making a friend or two. If your child hasn’t made any friends at day care within a few months of joining the program, they may be harboring social anxieties. A lack of peer interaction can be detrimental to early childhood development, as well as your child’s self-esteem.

2. Disciplinary Problems at School

A bit of mischief at school isn’t out of the ordinary. But if your child is constantly acting out and defying their teachers, particularly if they’ve been disciplined for the same actions multiple times, they may need intervention from a behavioral specialist. Children should generally learn to avoid behaviors that always have negative consequences.

3. Excessive Emotional Outbursts

behavioral specialistAll parents have dealt with varying degrees of temper tantrums and overall bad moods from their toddlers. However, if your child seems to go through uncontrollable fits of anger, sadness, or frustration at the slightest inconvenience, they may have some emotional issues that should be worked through with a child care professional.

4. Impulse Management Issues

Children who act inappropriately without thinking need help controlling their impulses. If your child has the tendency to interrupt and speak over others, displays sudden acts of aggression, or seems accident-prone, they may be showing signs of impulsivity. These behaviors can worsen over time if they are not addressed by a behavioral specialist.

5. Difficulty Paying Attention

It’s normal for a child’s attention to wander—kids have active imaginations, after all. However, an inability to concentrate, listen to their teachers, remember instructions, or stay on task are all signs of an underlying attention issue. This behavior often leads to difficulties following directions, resulting in many adults misattributing the problem to defiance.


Sometimes abnormal behaviors can affect a child’s academic performance, relationships, and development. If you are concerned about your child’s future, put them on the right path by enrolling them at Guilford Child Development of Greensboro, NC. Their staff of behavioral specialists, infant-toddler specialists, and school-age specialists have the resources and experience necessary to help your child overcome their issues. At this child care program, specialists work one-on-one with children to address inappropriate behaviors and find ways to promote social competencies. Visit them online for more information about their regional specialists. To get in touch with their office, call (336) 887-8224.
