
Tire rotations are a part of any auto repair and maintenance schedule. While you might know you should schedule them regularly, you may not fully understand why they are important. To better explain the process and why it’s so critical, here is a brief guide.

What Is a Tire Rotation?

A tire rotation means changing the wheels’ position on the car. Front tires carry more weight than the rear, which means their treads wear down much more quickly. Even turning left or right affects treadwear differently. For this reason, rotating where each tire sits will even out wear patterns to improve their life span, saving you money on replacing worn-out tires. It’s also recommended that when you get a replacement, you do all four tires at once. If some are more worn than others, you risk an unbalanced car with different tire ages.

How Often Should You Schedule a Tire Rotation?

tire rotationYour owners manual will let you know how many miles you can go before needing a tire rotation. In general, tires should be swapped around every 5,000 miles, but always consult an auto repair expert. They can look at treadwear patterns and take into account your habits and how much you drive to determine a schedule for you.

Besides extending your tires’ life span and saving you money in frequent replacements, a rotation is also a safety necessity. Your vehicle will handle better on any surface when the tires have more even treads. Flat tires and a rough ride, especially during inclement weather, are more likely when you skip rotations. This is hazardous for you, your passengers, and other drivers and pedestrians you encounter in your travels.


For expert tire rotations and other auto repair services, contact Mullanphy Tire & Automotive in Florissant, MO. Their certified technicians provide expert care for your tires, car batteries, brakes, fluids, and transmission system. With the use of state-of-the-art diagnostics, they can assess your vehicle and determine exactly what it needs to be safe on the road. Call (314) 921-4961 to request an estimate, or visit their website for their current specials.
