
There are some prevalent vaccine myths that unfortunately stop people from getting the immunizations they need to avoid serious and preventable illnesses. Because of the controversy surrounding this subject, it can be difficult to know what is true and what is not. To clear up the confusion, four vaccine myths are explained in greater detail below.

Dispelling Common Vaccine Myths

1. Vaccines Cause Autism

This claim can be traced back to a British doctor named Andrew Wakefield, who suggested that there was a link between vaccines and childhood autism. It was later revealed that Wakefield had financial interests in making this claim and utilized fabricated data in his studies. Over the course of their decade-long research into more than half a million people, the Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen found that there is no relationship between getting vaccinated and the risk of developing autism. This is just one of many reputable and verifiable studies that have arrived at the same conclusion.

2. Vaccines Are Optional

Vaccinations should be considered a routine part of a person's healthcare, whether they are a baby receiving their first inoculations or an adult getting a yearly flu shot. In children born between 1994 and 2013, vaccinations prevented an estimated 322 million illnesses. In other words: vaccines work, and they work best when everyone gets them.

3. Only Children Need Vaccines

vaccinesYou continue to need vaccinations throughout your life. Children and adults have different vaccination requirements, so the schedules and types of vaccines will be different. Pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria, shingles, and pneumococcal disease are among the illnesses for which adults will need booster vaccinations.

4. Multiple Simultaneous Vaccinations Are Unsafe

Some people believe that the current recommended vaccination schedule can be harmful. Receiving more than one childhood vaccine during a single doctor visit is not only perfectly safe, it’s also advisable. It can start protecting the child from a larger number of illnesses right away without having to wait between visits. It also means less stress and discomfort for the child. 


HealthSmart Vaccines in Fairfax County, VA, offers a range of vaccinations for patients 18 and over. They also provide onsite group clinics and travel preparations. Since 2006, their qualified staff has been a local leader in immunizations. They’re committed to patient education, and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of vaccines. Call (703) 961-0733 or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
