
Although some people consider professional pet grooming to be a luxury, caring for your dog’s fur and looking after their paws is essential for their health. In fact, many pet moms and dads make simple grooming mistakes at home that can cause problems in the long run. Here are three errors you can prevent by working with a professional groomer. 

Potential Problems From At-Home Pet Grooming

1. Matting 

If your dog has long hair, shampooing can be a recipe for disaster. Some dogs have very thick, curly coats, making it difficult to prevent issues like matting. Unfortunately, this can put pressure on the skin, contributing to discomfort and sores. Pet grooming professionals will work carefully to prevent matting by combing the coat beforehand, shampooing carefully, and brushing the coat out afterward. 

2. Razor Burn

pet groomingWhile matted coats can be a problem, so can cutting the fur too short. Dogs who are groomed with dull clippers can develop razor burn, or small knicks on the surface of the skin caused by shaving. This results in red, itchy bumps that can be very uncomfortable for your pup.

3. Damaged Nails

Clipping your animal’s nails is one of the most challenging elements of grooming, since they’re likely to fidget and move around. Cutting the quick can cause pain, bleeding, and even introduce infection to the area. Improper clipping can also cause a splayed foot. Nails should always be trimmed at a 45-degree angle to prevent any harm to your pup’s health.


Avoid these common pet grooming mistakes with help from the professionals at Karen’s Dog House of Beauty in Cookeville, TN. With a staunch commitment to upholding the highest pet grooming standards and a focus on animal comfort, your furry friend will enjoy their visit and come home looking better than ever. Their groomers use pet-friendly styling products, shampoos, and conditioners that are safe and gentle on your pup’s coat, ensuring their fur is smooth and healthy. Visit the website to learn more about their services or call (931) 823-9626 to schedule an appointment for your dog today.
