
With spring right around the corner, the flowers will soon be blooming and the sun will shine a little brighter. Since warmer weather is approaching, it’s time to prepare your air conditioning unit. Getting your unit ready now allows you to spot any issues and schedule HVAC repair if necessary. The following are some basic steps to take while prepping your system.

How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Warmer Weather

1. Plan a Test Run

Test your HVAC system early in the season to check how it’s running. Notice whether the house cools to the proper temperature and whether the unit turns on effectively. Take note of any unusual sounds or smells, as these may be signs of a bigger issue. If the unit doesn’t seem to be cooling your house, call a contractor for HVAC repair.

2. Change the Filters

Dirty filters make your HVAC unit work harder than it needs to, spiking your energy bills. These blocked filters can also circulate allergens and lower the air quality in your home. Professionals recommend changing your air filters every 90 days, or every 60 days if you have pets.

3. Check Your Thermostat

hvac repairThe physical air conditioning unit is only one component of the overall system. Carefully inspect your thermostat and ensure that all of the controls work. Note whether the temperature on the screen matches the actual temperature of your home. If you notice any issues, it might be time to invest in an updated model. A programmable thermostat will let you schedule different temperatures at various times throughout the day so you don’t waste energy when you’re away from home. 



Spring cleaning isn’t the only way to get your home ready for a new season. The team at Malone Heating & Air can prepare your HVAC unit for warmer weather. Located in Chattanooga, TN, this company has been serving residents and business owners since 1980. Whether you need HVAC repair or a complete replacement, they’ll find a solution that fits your needs and budget. To view a full list of services, visit them online, or call (706) 259-9333 to request a free HVAC repair quote. 
