
Even when acne clears up, it can leave behind scars. Laser treatment from naturopathic doctors and dermatologists offers a safe, non-invasive treatment for acne scars, resulting in smoother skin. If you believe you are a candidate for scar treatment, learn about laser therapy and how it can diminish this type of skin damage for a more radiant appearance. Keep in mind different laser treatments provide different results.

How Can Laser Treatments Help Acne Scars?

Removes Outer Layer

Laser acne treatments by a certified naturopathic doctor or dermatologist use intense monochromatic light in narrow wavelength bands to remove damaged skin cells. Eliminating scarred outer layers reveals smooth, new skin underneath minus the chemicals used in chemical peels or the rough edges associated with microdermabrasion. Ablative resurfacing removes lightly-damaged outer skin cells, while fractionated carbon dioxide lasers remove more layers to treat deeper acne scars. It can take up to 18 months to fully remove severe acne scars.

Stimulates Cell Renewal & Collagen Production

naturopathic doctorAnother way laser treatments heal acne scars is by penetrating the skin’s deeper layers to promote efficient skin cell renewal and collagen production. Skin starts repairing itself following exposure to tiny shafts of light, resulting in quick cell turnover and smooth results. Collagen naturally plumps the skin to help repair scar tissue. Fractionated laser resurfacing provides these benefits while also removing dark-pigmented skin cells. Non-ablative laser resurfacing utilizes infrared heat to penetrate the skin’s inner layers for increased collagen production and skin cell renewal.



If laser acne scar treatment sounds right for your skin care needs, schedule a consultation at Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine in Anchorage, AK. The in-house naturopathic doctor offers laser treatments among other services designed to promote natural bodily healing, including acupuncture and integrative cancer treatment. Call (907) 563-2366 to make an appointment or visit the naturopathic doctor online for more information.
