
As the weather warms up, your fireplace is the last thing you’ll be thinking about. What you may not realize, however, is that this is an important time of year to clean your chimney. Not convinced? Consider these four benefits of spring chimney cleaning

3 Reasons to Schedule Chimney Cleaning in Spring 

1. Address Winter Damage

The winter can take quite a toll on your chimney. Melting snow and ice can damage the chimney liner, and repeated use can cause different substances to accumulate inside the flue. Creosote and soot in particular tend to build up inside chimneys during the winter. It’s essential to remove these substances, as they can pose safety hazards if ignored. Stray sparks can cause chimney fires, and the buildup can also attract pests.

Also, if you used your fireplace frequently during the winter, there may be dust and debris buildup come spring. These substances can enter your home and reduce indoor air quality. Combined with springtime allergens such as pollen and pet dander, this can be a recipe for poor health. The earlier you remove debris and dust from your chimney, the healthier your household will be. chimney-cleaning

2. Eliminate Odors

Debris and buildup inside your chimney can also lead to foul odors, particularly when these things mix with summertime heat and humidity. When a chimney sweep cleans your smokestack, they’ll eliminate these odors along with any buildup that has occurred.

3. Convenient Scheduling

Many people wait until fall or even winter to schedule chimney maintenance. As a result, chimney sweeps are often booked up for weeks in advance during these periods. If you wait until after spring, you may have to wait out the cold without a fireplace for a while before you can get an appointment. By scheduling a chimney cleaning in the spring, you’ll beat the rush and have more convenient appointment options to choose from. 

If your chimney needs a spring cleaning, turn to Charlie’s Chimney Sweeps & Masonry, LLC, based in Clermont, OH. Since 1996, they’ve served the greater Cincinnati area, providing chimney cleaning and repair, as well as wood stove and fireplace repair and maintenance. Call (513) 553-0229 to schedule an appointment with one of their licensed and insured team members or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
