
If you’re facing a DUI or criminal charge, one of your best ways to fight the charge is to hire a seasoned defense attorney. Don’t make this decision lightly; consider these tips from James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law, a DUI and criminal defense attorney in Cincinnati, OH, on what to expect when shopping around for legal representation:

  • Take Promises With a Grain of Salt: If an attorney promises what the outcome of your case will be from the get-go, this is not only an ethical violation, it will be a false statement, since no attorney knows the end-result of a court case. A lawyer can, however, promise you their best effort when representing you.
  • Expect Firsthand Knowledge of The Court Process: A good attorney will know the spoken and unspoken rules of the court system.
  • A Breakdown of The Charges Will Be Given: To help you understand the possible outcomes of the case, your attorney will educate you on the possible sentences and best defense strategies based on the criminal charge you’re facing.
  • Due Diligence Will be a Priority:  Your attorney will gather key evidence to learn the best recommendation to make for your case. In the event that outside help is needed for gathering evidence, a professional investigator will be hired to help.
  • Learn the Big Picture:  Your attorney will explain some of the “hidden costs” that come along with a conviction for your criminal of DUI charge. For example, if you represent yourself and plead guilty as charged to try to save time and money, you may find the conviction costing you a job or your professional license (ex. teaching license).
  • Communication:  An attorney should keep you updated about developments about your case and return calls or messages in a timely manner.
  • Provide You With a Reality Check:  Defense attorneys often know what is going on much better than you will during your criminal or DUI case. They are better able to remain objective throughout a proceeding, which is necessary to provide essential assessments and reality checks. These are essential when a defendant is trying to decide what to do while their case is pending and whether to go to trial or accept a plea bargain offered by the prosecutor.
  • Damage Control:  If you do not wish to contest the charges against you, your defense attorney will talk to the prosecutor to negotiate a plea bargain. Plea bargains usually reduce the potential punishment. However, prosecutors are often unwilling to negotiate with defendants that represent themselves.  In the event that you are convicted, your defense attorney may be able to mitigate your punishment by suggesting a viable alternative sentence. For instance, instead of going to prison, your criminal defense attorney may be able to argue for drug treatment.

If you've been charged with a crime in Ohio, call James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law at (513) 503-7251 today for honest and effective representation.
