
Exercise may not be the first solution you think of when you’re struggling with back pain, but a lack of muscle tissue to support the joints of your spine is one of the main causes of it. By using targeted exercises to strengthen your core and build your shoulders, you’ll protect your spine and significantly reduce your back pain. With the approval of your doctor, here are a few simple exercises to help you strengthen your back muscles.

3 Targeted Exercises to Build Back Muscles

1. Renegade Rows

Get into plank position with each hand holding a dumbbell, then lift one weight at a time towards your chest in the motion of rowing a boat. Renegade rows help tighten your core, chest, and sides to give your upper back strength and improve trunk rotation.

If you’re struggling to keep the plank position, use a bench to support your lower body and bend over at an angle.

2. Bridge Pose

back painCommonly included in many yoga routines, the bridge pose is an effective way to relieve and prevent back pain with no need for extra equipment.

Start by laying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Keeping your shoulders on the ground, lift your hips and clasp your hands under your back. Hold for five seconds and release, then repeat. This exercise will strengthen your hamstring, buttocks, and lower lumbar muscles.

3. Pull-Ups

To complete a proper pull-up, wrap your hands palm-down around a secure bar. Next, hang from the bar so that your feet don’t touch the floor. Using your upper-body strength, lift your chest with your elbows downwards. Once your chin goes over the bar, hold the position for a few seconds to engage the several muscle groups supporting your spine.


If regularly performing these exercises isn’t enough to reduce your back pain, turn to the specialists at Source Therapy in Gig Harbor, WA. This locally-owned orthopedic rehab center uses physical therapy and advanced fitness tools to address many causes of pain, including muscle injuries and spinal misalignment. Send them a message online, or call (253) 857-4870 to schedule a consultation with a licensed therapist.
