
With the dawn of the information age comes a new awareness among people. We are able to access droves of information at lightning speed at our fingertips. This results in a better informed populace, more educated than any other time in the history of the world. As such, people are better armed with information to assist with many of life's challenges. Chief among such challenges is the ability to take a larger role in our health. Fortunately, today there are health care practitioners dedicated to not only providing the guidance required to allow us to participate in our care but furthering their own education. As a result of this additional education many practitioners are learning that an integrated approach to health care provides the maximum benefit. Enter holistic care. Holistic care combines the most advanced Western medicine with the wisdom and traditions of health care from the beginning of medicine in that the approach involves the patient and the doctor addressing many aspects of a patient's life and not necessarily just the disease or ailment. The goal is to remedy the condition and not merely alleviate the symptoms.

Meet Dr. Anthony Adams, DDS. Dr. Adams is a mercury-free, holistic dentist with more than 31 years of experience. He is one of the first dentists to bring holistic care to the area and has been implementing new and old technology long before the practice became commonplace, placing him well ahead of his peers. Dr. Adams emphasizes the physiological relationships between oral and overall health. Studies indicate oral health has a direct correlation to one's overall health and Healthy Body Dental provides and advocates care that assists supporting the health of additional body functions. Oral health shares multiple common risk factors with chronic diseases and/or conditions and is essential to our well being. For example, periodontal disease is associated with a number of systemic conditions and a single risk factor can impact several diseases. Dr. Adams and team work diligently to make certain the patient is equipped with the necessary knowledge to attain and maintain optimum health. "For many years our health system has focused on treating people after there is a problem. As people become more aware we recognize by shifting our resources to preventing disease and promoting overall good health we can live healthier lives and feel better about ourselves," says Dr. Adams. "That is part of what we do at Healthy Body Dental. People want to feel good, to look good. Each patient is special. We take the time to help people achieve these results by identifying and correcting problem areas and through prevention."

Article by William Stone.
