
For the millions of Americans with missing teeth, dental implant procedures make it easier than ever to have beautiful, functional prosthetic teeth. Whether you need one tooth or several, implants are an increasingly popular choice for adults of all ages. Here’s what you should know about getting and caring for dental implants.

Your Guide to Dental Implants

What are the benefits?

A crown is affixed to a titanium post that’s implanted directly into the jawbone. The titanium post is sturdy because it fuses with the bone, making your implant feel and operate just as a natural tooth does. Your dentist will have your dental implant custom-made to look like your other teeth. You can even eat all of the foods you love.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

The best dental implant candidates have strong, healthy jawbones to hold the titanium post. Some people may have a bone graft to enhance the support, enabling the surgeon to safely install the post.  

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

The process for dental implants takes place over several months, beginning with a bone graft if needed. Then, the titanium post is implanted and allowed to fuse to the bone for a few months, ensuring you have a solid foundation for your beautiful new crown. Next, an abutment is placed on the post, which is where the crown will be attached. After that heals, your artificial crown will be placed.

How should I care for my new implant?

dental implantCare for your dental implant just as you would your natural teeth. Brush twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and floss once a day. While your implant will not get cavities, brushing and flossing will keep the gums around the implant healthy. 


Gladstein Dental Center has been providing the New Britain, CT, community with quality dental care for 28 years. Dr. Gladstein is a dentist who genuinely cares about your comfort and dental health, and stays up-to-date on the latest advancements in dental medicine. He and his team will put you at ease, whether you’re having a dental implant or a routine check-up. Call (860) 223-1162 or send a message online to schedule your appointment. 
