
Most people recover from the flu’s fever, chills, aches, and nausea within two weeks of first noticing symptoms, but ignoring signs that self-care isn’t enough could lead to serious complications. Knowing when to give up on at-home treatment and seek urgent care is crucial to your well-being, so here’s a brief guide to seeking medical care for the flu.

Reasons to See a Doctor

Those at higher risk for complications (the elderly, children, and those who are immunocompromised) should see their physician for antiviral medicines when flu symptoms are noticed to reduce the severity of the illness and the risk of complications. If you begin to feel better and then symptoms return—such as fever and coughing—you should seek urgent care, as it likely means you’ve developed a complication of the flu, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

You should also see an urgent care specialist if you have severe gastrointestinal upset and cannot hold down fluids, as dehydration will worsen your condition. A fever that doesn’t respond to fever reducers or continues to worsen throughout the illness should be treated by a physician, too.

Reasons To See an Emergency Doctor

urgent careOnly go to the emergency room for flu treatment if you believe you or your loved one is in potentially life-threatening danger. Otherwise, you’re using resources that others might need more than you, and you’re exposing yourself to more illnesses.

Take children to an emergency doctor immediately if they become unresponsive, have a fever higher than 103°F, aren’t alert when conscious, develop a rash accompanied by fever, become severely dehydrated, have a seizure, experience difficult or fast breathing, have difficulty or are resistant to moving, or if their lips and skin develop a bluish tint. If your child is under three years of age, a fever of 102.2°F is the threshold. 

For adults, seizing, continuous or recurring chest or stomach pain, difficulty breathing, losing consciousness, inability to focus and be alert, confusion, dizziness and lightheadedness, and a fever of 102°F or higher indicate severe illness and should be attended to by an emergency facility as well.


At Orange Beach Walk-In Medical Care in Baldwin County, AL, you’ll receive prompt urgent care services for your flu symptoms from a skilled medical team. This after-hours health care facility boasts an emergency doctor with over 48 years of experience, so they’re able to care for broken bones, accident-caused injuries, sudden illnesses, and other non-life-threatening conditions. Beyond acute care, they provide pediatric, gynecological, and primary care, and their extended hours make it easy to fit into your schedule. Call (251) 964-7425 to schedule an appointment today and learn more about their team online.
