
Having a laser printer is essential for workplace productivity. These devices can be even more helpful when they’re properly used. If you work in an office with a shared printer, use the courtesy tips below to stay in your coworkers’ good graces. 

A Guide to Office Laser Printer Courtesy

1. Take Care of Paper Jams

Paper jams are headaches, especially if you’re in a rush. No matter how busy you are, however, try to take care of the problem. If you walk away without rectifying the issue, you’re just leaving it for the next person to deal with. Try following the instructions on the laser printer for clearing the jam. If you’re too swamped to handle it yourself, call your office tech support or printer repair service for assistance. 

2. Be Courteous Around Smaller Jobs

laser printerLaser printers are fast, but when you know you have a major job coming up, make a quick announcement and see if anyone needs to make a copy or execute a quick page or two. That consideration allows co-workers to get their tasks done without having to wait while you finish printing that 100-page manual or stack of promotional color brochures. This boosts the overall productivity of your team. 

3. Don’t Remove Left-Behind Papers

Printed materials can accumulate in the tray over the course of the day. As tempting as it is to throw them out, don’t assume they’re unwanted. It’s more likely that one of your employees simply forgot them there or hasn’t had a chance to scoop them up yet. By tossing them, you’ll likely create confusion and paper waste since they’ll have to reprint. Clear room in the tray by placing the papers on a nearby surface instead. Send a friendly reminder informing your peers of where you’ve placed them so they can find them – they’ll likely appreciate it. If the problem repeats, talk to your office administration about creating a policy to recycle uncollected papers after a certain period. 


If you start have trouble with your office laser printer, get in touch with a top printer repair specialist like Laser Line in Jessup, MD. Serving the community since 1989, these efficient experts service reputable brands such as Xerox®, IBM®, and Canon®. Request printer service from this reliable team by calling (410) 636-1700 or by sending a message through their website

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