
As a leading cause of blindness, glaucoma is one eye disease that everyone should be aware of. While this condition—caused by increased pressure within the eye—can happen to anyone, it is most common among older individuals. Since glaucoma often doesn’t present any early warning signs, the best way to monitor your risk is to see a vision provider annually (or more frequently if your optometrist recommends) for a comprehensive eye exam. However, if you notice any of the following issues, talk to an optometrist as soon as possible to find out if glaucoma is the underlying cause.

Potential Warning Signs of Glaucoma

1. Vision Loss

As pressure builds up within the eye, the optic nerve will experience gradual damage. Over time, this damage will impair your ability to see clearly—even with the help of glasses. In most cases, peripheral vision is first affected, reducing your ability to see what’s on either side of your head. You might also notice that your vision is becoming more hazy or blurry, making it difficult to focus on objects.

If you experience sudden vision loss, you may have a rarer form of the eye disease known as acute-angle glaucoma. This type of glaucoma is an emergency and should be addressed immediately by an eye care provider.

2. Halos

eye diseaseWhen glaucoma impacts your eyes’ ability to properly focus on light, you may notice halos around various light sources—such as street lamps and car headlights. Halos can appear for many different reasons other than glaucoma—including astigmatism—so it’s best to have the issue assessed by a trusted eye doctor.

3. Pain

Glaucoma pain affects the eye area and typically becomes more severe as the disease progresses. It may also contribute to frequent headaches. If you develop sudden eye pain along with nausea, you may have acute-angle glaucoma. Since this eye disease can cause permanent blindness, seek emergency medical care immediately.

Whether you’re concerned about vision loss or are due for a routine eye exam, Griebenow Eyecare has the resources to help. Located in Clintonville, WI, this optometrist offers state-of-the-art resources to screen for vision loss, as well as for eye diseases—including glaucoma. If necessary, this caring team can also help provide treatment to address glaucoma. Visit this vision center online to learn more about their services or call (800) 427-9585 to schedule a convenient appointment.
