
Most electricians and building contractors have an electrical wholesaler that they rely on for parts and supplies. Their affiliation with these wholesalers comes with several benefits. Your contracting business could reap similar rewards by dealing with them directly instead of going to a retailer. Here’s why contractors should work with a local electrical wholesaler.

3 Perks of Buying From an Electrical Wholesaler 

1. Superior Service

Compared to a small retail store, a local electrical wholesaler buys merchandise in bulk and stocks a greater variety of products. As a customer, you are more likely to get the item that you need when you pay a visit to the wholesaler rather than visiting multiple retail stores. Because of their expansive inventory, wholesaler employees tend to be more knowledgeable about various electrical products as well. They can better advise customers on which products are best for their needs and explain how to correctly install electrical components, minimizing the risk of fires, electrocution, and other hazards.

electrical wholesaler2. Convenience & Fast Delivery

A reliable electrical wholesaler has a vast array of products in stock and knows how to source for the items they don’t have. Electricians can order whatever they need in advance and collect them at their convenience. Most wholesalers have also moved their business online, making orders and delivery transactions faster and more convenient. This saves time since contractors don’t have to wait in lines anymore.

3. More Affordable

One big benefit to purchasing from an electrical wholesaler is the price. Your local retailers and hardware stores buy many of their products from the wholesaler; to turn a profit, they need to mark up the price. That means you’ll pay more at the retailer on virtually all items they carry. Going to the wholesaler means cutting out the middle man and saving money. If you’re a busy electrician who works on many projects, the money you save on supplies could significantly add to your bottom line.


For the best deals on electrical supplies contractors rely on Lincoln Winlectric. This electrical wholesaler serves South Lincoln, NE, with a wide range of electrical supplies, equipment, power tools, and lighting fixtures from all the top brands. If they don’t carry the item you want, they’ll get it for you fast and in the quantity you need. Call (402) 423-3100 to make an inquiry, or check out their website to view their product line.
