
Your sewer lines play a vital role in the overall functionality of your plumbing system. Sometimes, however, tree roots can puncture the lines and cause damaging obstructions. If you discover any issues in your home, it’s important to have a plumber assess the problem right away. Here’s what you should know about tree roots affecting the sewer lines.

What Are Some Common Signs?

You usually won’t see anything particular if tree roots puncture the sewer lines. However, you could easily experience sluggish drains inside the house or hear odd gurgling sounds emanating from the toilet when you flush it.

plumberThe problem occurs when the tree roots create a blockage in the line. It prevents water from flowing cleanly through the system. A strong, sulfuric odor may also accompany this. If the problem has gone on for a while unbeknownst to you, then the yard may develop sinkholes over time. This happens when the roots force water to leak into certain spots of the grass, which softens it enough to create indentations. It’s imperative to call a plumber to determine the exact source of the issue.

Why Are Inspections Necessary?

Tree root intrusion is a serious issue that requires immediate attention from a plumber. Since roots grow quickly, they can easily push through a small hole and become integral parts of the pipes. Because the roots are drawn to the moisture in the pipe, it won’t take long for other roots to travel into the space and create even more damage. Using cameras to assess the severity of the issue, emergency plumbing crews can repair the problem and apply a sleeve that creates a barrier and prevents roots from re-entering.

Is There Any Way to Prevent It?

The most important step is to schedule routine maintenance. During a basic inspection, your technician can resolve a leak or detect an intrepid tree root before it has a chance to cause more significant destruction. They can also determine areas that are most at risk of entry and create barriers that prevent the roots from ever settling into the septic system. It’s best to avoid planting any type of vegetation within 50 feet of the system.


If you’re dealing with root intrusion, turn to the professionals at Midwestern Plumbing Service in Cincinnati, OH. Offering 24-hour emergency plumbing services, they’re committed to resolving your concerns whenever you need a hand. They offer everything from basic drain cleaning to intuitive water line repairs. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call the plumbers at (513) 753-0050 to request a free quote.
