
Effective dental care for children involves more than just teeth cleaning. You also need to think about how your child's daily habits affect their teeth, which may even become crooked or misaligned as a result. To promote good oral health, keep an eye on these three habits, and help your child stop them if they become excessive.

3 Habits to Break to Protect Your Child's Teeth

1. Thumb-Sucking

Dental CareIn young children, thumb-sucking is a common and harmless self-soothing behavior. Most children stop on their own between ages two and four. But if your child continues to suck their thumb past the age of five, it can be a dental care problem. Thumb-sucking pulls the teeth forward, causing them to bow outward so when your child bites down, the front teeth won't close. You can help them avoid this problem by praising them for not sucking their thumb and addressing any underlying discomfort or insecurity that is making them feel the need to self-soothe.

2. Pacifiers & Bottles

Similarly, constantly sucking on an object that protrudes between the teeth like a bottle or pacifier can keep the bite from developing correctly. A steady flow of sugar from milk or juice in a bottle can also encourage tooth decay. To avoid these issues, start to limit pacifier use when your child is two and eliminate it by the time they're four, if they haven't given up the habit themselves. Also, help them transition to a sippy cup, then to a regular cup, as soon as your child is ready.

3. Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a problem for both children and adults. The often unconscious habit is usually brought on by stress. In addition to tooth misalignment, the constant tension of grinding can cause jaw problems, excessive wear on the teeth, and even tooth loss in extreme cases. If you notice your child grinding their teeth, talk to their pediatric dentist about preventive measures like custom mouthguards.


If you’re concerned about your child’s teeth misalignment, bring them to Kapolei Keiki Dental. Serving the island of Oahu, they’ve been voted the Best Pediatric Dentist in Hawaii since 2009 by the Honolulu Magazine. They offer a full range of dental care for kids of all ages, including orthodontics to address crooked teeth. To schedule an appointment, contact them at (808) 944-1020, or learn more about their dental care offerings online.
