
When neck or back pain strikes, a chiropractor may be the first provider you call. But did you know spinal adjustments can help with other medical conditions, too? While it’s always wise to seek care from your physician first, chiropractic care can improve the efficacy of various medical interventions, easing the symptoms associated with the health issues below. 

See a Chiropractor If You Have One of These Conditions

1. Asthma

When the spine is misaligned and the nerves that facilitate the respiratory system are obstructed, the lungs are unable to function as they should. This, in turn, can exacerbate the symptoms of asthma. An uneven spine can also prevent the chest cavity from expanding fully, which will inhibit breathing. With the right adjustments, though, chiropractic care can alleviate these issues so inhalers and asthma medication can work more effectively. 

2. Hypertension

chiropractorThe Atlas, or C-1, vertebra is the small bone that rests at the base of the neck. Scientists suspect that when this bone becomes injured or misaligned, it triggers the arteries at the base of the skull to contract, which increases blood pressure. Therefore, addressing this issue has the potential to undo the tension so the arteries return to normal again. 

3. Gastrointestinal Distress 

Chiropractors can help patients with everything from constipation to heartburn. Since the nerves in the chest and abdominal area play a critical role in digestion, spinal issues can cause gastrointestinal distress. By addressing any obstructions with subtle manipulations, it may be possible to relieve the blockage and restore your body’s normal functioning. 


For comprehensive chiropractic care, turn to Alpha & Omega Chiropractor. Located in Ruidoso, NM, they have been treating patients throughout Lincoln County for the past decade. Whether you’re struggling to manage your asthma or you sustained a herniated disc in a car accident, count on their knowledgeable staff for attentive care. Visit their website to meet their team. Then call (575) 258-5999 to make an appointment today. 
