
With boating season around the corner, now is an ideal time to think about upgrading your vessel. Every boat has unique maintenance needs for getting back in the water, but all vessels can benefit from upgraded electronics. Below are three reasons to invest in new boat electronics this year. 

3 Reasons to Replace Your Boat Electronics

1. Upgrade to Newer Systems   

Even if the electronics on your vessel are fairly new, the systems that are available today are far more advanced than they were two or three years ago. For example, most upgrades are smartphone compatible, which means you can use mobile apps to make the most of your day on the water.

2. Opt for a User-Friendly Version  

boat electronicsReplacing the GPS on your vessel with a more modern, user-friendly model is the proactive way to avoid confusion. If your GPS is outdated—even if it’s several years old—it could be difficult to use the system. Replacing it with a more durable, user-friendly version will give you considerable peace of mind. 

3. It’s a Cost-Effective Solution

With the rate at which technology advances, it’s almost always more cost-effective to replace electronics than to repair them. For example, repairing a broken system might cost a few hundred dollars, but replacing it could cost a little more, but it could last much longer. The upgrade will be far more reliable than the old system—and it won’t break the bank. 

You can find boat electronics at Harbortown Marine Inc. in Vermiion, OH. For almost 26 years, this marine supply store has been selling quality boating equipment and top-of-the-line accessories to water enthusiasts throughout northern Ohio. A locally-owned shop, they strive to build a lasting relationship with each customer. Stop by this spring to browse their electronics availability, or call (440) 967-8072 to learn more information.  Harbortown returns to 7-days-a-week late-March.
