
If you’re planning to undergo LASIK eye surgery, there are a few ways you should prepare for the procedure. While your doctor will speak to you about the specifics, below are a few ways you can help the day go as smoothly as possible.

Before Your Surgery

Make Sure You Have a Ride

Arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery, as you will not be able to drive yourself. Plan this early to ensure your driver is free. Also, it may take a few days for you to adjust to the change in your vision, so ask a spouse, child, or roommate if they would mind driving you around during this time if needed.

Stop Wearing Contact Lenses

For those that wear hard contact lenses, most surgeons will ask that you stop wearing these about 4-8 weeks before your LASIK surgery. Soft contacts can be worn closer to the date, but they should not be used about one week before surgery. Lenses worn to correct astigmatism can be worn up until three weeks before the procedure. Consult your surgeon about these times as they vary based on your eyes.

On the Day of Your Surgery

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

eye surgeryEven though the procedure itself may not take more than a few minutes, you may be asked to be there sometime before your eye surgery begins. You will likely need to fill out paperwork, and the intake process could take some time. Also, you will be in recovery after the procedure, so don’t make any other plans that day.

Don’t Wear Eye Makeup or Hair Accessories

Your eyes will need to be clean and free of any chemicals, lotions, perfumes, or anything else that may cause infection. Some surgeons may request that you thoroughly wash your eyes before the surgery to reduce any risk of this. Also, as you will be lying down for the procedure, make sure you do not have any hair accessories that may interfere with your comfort.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Because you will not be able to see clearly right after your eye surgery, wear comfortable clothes to avoid changing soon after the procedure. Also avoid any fabrics that tend to shed loose fibers, such as animal or faux fur.

Eat & Drink

Most surgeons will want you to eat and drink as usual before the procedure. However, you should avoid alcohol or any medications that may make you drowsy the day before and the day of your eye surgery.


If you have poor vision or an eye disorder, you might be a good candidate for LASIK. At Tri-State Centers for Sight, they will help you find solutions for any eye problem. The caring staff has served Cincinnati for over 25 years. In addition to correcting vision with LASIK, they also offer cataract eye surgery and strabismus treatment. Call (859) 331-6616 to schedule an appointment, and check out their website to learn more about the qualifications for LASIK candidacy.
