
When you want to escape the summer heat or winter chill, all you have to do is power up your home’s HVAC system. But in order to control your indoor climate, a considerable amount of energy is used. With energy efficiency remaining a top concern among modern consumers, finding an eco-friendly HVAC system is not only important for the planet but for your utility costs as well. To help you save money and protect the environment, here are five characteristics you should consider when upgrading your heating and cooling system.

5 Ways Your HVAC System Can Be Greener

1. Proper Size

When a big home is equipped with a small HVAC unit, the appliance may have to run for extended periods of time to produce desired temperatures. On the flipside, oversized units may expend more energy than is necessary to cool or heat a medium-sized home. When upgrading your system, an HVAC contractor will assess what equipment is perfect for you.

2. High SEER Rating

A SEER—or seasonal energy efficiency ratio—rating is a generalized number that ranks an HVAC system’s maximum energy usage over the course of the year. When you’re comparing options, look for those with higher SEER ratings, as these are considered to be more efficient.

3. Programmable Thermostat

Setting a thermostat at the same temperature for hours on end may cause your HVAC equipment to work harder than it needs to. With a programmable thermostat, however, you can automatically adjust the temperatures on a schedule so you’re comfortable when you’re home—and excess energy isn’t being used when no one is there.

4.  Zoning

HVACIf you have a larger home, you might be able to save energy by choosing an HVAC system that offers zoning capabilities. Essentially, zoning allows you to decide which rooms will be heated and cooled. By adjusting only the zones you need, your system will considerably reduce its energy usage.  

5. Sealed Ducts

Your HVAC system’s ductwork is critical to bringing hot or cold air to the right places. However, ducts can sometimes suffer wear and tear resulting in small leaks. These leaks allow hot or cold air to escape, making it harder for your home to reach your preferred temperatures. Fortunately, HVAC contractors know how to locate and seal these leaks quickly and efficiently so you can save money.


To help Foley, AL, residents save money and do their part to protect the planet, Gulf Coast HVAC, LLC offers comprehensive HVAC services to boost energy efficiency. If you need AC installation, this HVAC contractor will introduce you to eco-friendly and easy-to-use options that are optimized for your home from the very start. They can also repair existing equipment to resolve mechanical issues that may be increasing energy usage. To learn more about their products and services, visit this heating and cooling specialist online. For estimates and service, call (251) 955-1054.
