
When you’re dealing with mild to moderate tooth decay or a minor tooth fracture, a general dentist is likely to recommend a dental inlay or onlay to save your natural tooth as opposed to undergoing a tooth extraction. If you’re unfamiliar with these restorative dentistry procedures, here is some helpful information to review. 

Understanding the Difference Between Dental Inlays & Onlays

What is an Inlay?

DentistA dental inlay is an interior filling that is composed of gold, composite resin, or porcelain. This pre-molded filling fits into the grooves of the teeth and does not go beyond the cusps of a tooth. The purpose of this dental procedure is to restore a tooth after a dentist has removed decay or to heal teeth that sustained a fracture or crack. Unlike traditional fillings, inlays are more durable and often last longer. They are frequently used when an older filling needs to be replaced. 

What is an Onlay & When Does a Dentist Recommend This Procedure?

Onlays are similar in composition to inlays; however, this option is utilized when decay or a fracture extends beyond the internal structure of a tooth and its natural grooves. Should a tooth require additional restoration around the cusp, onlays are the best option. A dentist will recommend this course of action when tooth decay or a crack impacts the biting surface or the tip of the tooth. Onlays can restore extensive damage while saving the natural tooth. 



Dr. Tris J. Carta has provided high-quality and friendly dental services for residents in Manchester, CT, since 1990. From recommending inlays and onlays to performing root canals, this dentist ensures that his patients of all ages receive efficient and friendly care. To schedule an appointment, call (860) 646-2251. To read more about the inlay and onlay procedure, visit his website
