Offer Details

Our fractional resurfacing treatment is a gentle and efficient procedure that reduces the range of photoaging signs and rejuvenates the skin, producing fresh, younger looking faces, necks and hands. These impressive results are achieved by replacing old, damaged cells with new, healthy ones – and, with our SharpLight’s innovative technology, this is done quickly, effectively and safely 


Our revolutionary Er:YAG laser produces a micro epidermal peel, which through a thermo-mechanical reaction, removes the problematic areas on the top layer of the skin. The fresh layer that grows has an improved texture, reduced or disappeared fine lines, wrinkles, scarring and spots and an overall renewed radiance. 


 Long-lasting results are usually achieved within 3 to 6 relatively short treatment sessions, making it time and cost efficient for the patient.

Being able to effectively combat and improve the appearance of the many signs of aging and environmental damage with this one treatment – in a relatively small number of sessions with minimal side effects and minimal healing time – is what has made our fractional resurfacing treatment so popular.

The following are some of the main advantages of  fractional resurfacing treatment:

·Treatment is effective and efficient, producing impressive results within 3 to 6 relatively short sessions.

·Treatment combats a variety of skin issues at once.

·Treatment is customizable with adjustable peeling effects and degrees of strength, allowing to personalize it in accordance with patient needs.

·Healing is rapid and treatment requires minimal downtime.

·Treatment is safe and effective for all patient profiles.

·There are minimal, transient side effects associated with treatment; surrounding thermal damage is minimal.

·Treatment has been proven successful for thousands of satisfied clients


Is there anything I should do before a Fraxel treatment?

·Stop use of Accutane or Retinoids medications (Stop: Pills or Creams with Retinoids ingredients) 6-12 months before any treatments

·Stop use of any Anti-Aging or bleaching regimen/creams 4 weeks before your treatment series.



1-2 Week Before Treatment:

·Buy Aquaphor healing ointment

·Buy Cetaphil or another gentle cleanser

·Stop use of all Retinols/Retin-A or Antiaging/Bleaching creams 4 weeks before treatment

·Stop Renova, Tazorac or any“anti-aging” product

·Stop use of all glycolic acid treatments

·Avoid sun exposure 2 weeks prior to your treatment

·Stop antibiotics as: minocycline, doxycycline and tetracycline

·Stop waxing

·Call your doctor if you have a history of cold sores-  you may need a prescription for Valtrex to begin the day before the treatment


Day of Treatment:

·VERY IMPORTANT – BE ON TIME –  You will need the full time for numbing and photos

·Eat a meal 1-2 hours before your treatment – this prevents feeling jittery with the numbing cream

·No caffeine for 4 hours before your treatment

·Wear comfortable/ washable sweats or clothes

·Arrive with no make-up.

·Bring a wide brimmed hat to your appointment to wear after your treatment.

·Are you pregnant or breast feeding?

·If so, you are not a candidate at this time


What will I look like right after the treatment and what is the healing time?

During the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel as sunburned.

Advise: Keep your Sun Screen, Moisturizer Cream and Aquaphor healing ointment cooling at the refrigerator and use them as cold as possible every 3 to 4 hours during the first 8 days .

Your skin will look very red immediately after the treatment and will fade over the next 1-3 days. Usually you can go back to normal activities including work, with make-up, within 1-3 days. Occasionally, the redness may take longer to resolve.  Rarely, bruising may develop, which can take up to two weeks to resolve. Allow 2-3 weeks for weddings, reunions, family pictures, etc just to be safe.

Within a few days after each treatment, a “bronzed” look to the skin is common, which can last 1-2 weeks. Your skin may flake and exfoliate a little. Using a moisturizer will help reduce the appearance of dry flakes. Remember, it will take several treatments to obtain optimal results.


.-Fractional Rejuvenation uses pulses of laser light to help treat sin imperfections such as acne scars, wrinkles and discoloration.- Appointment required.- Consultation required”

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$249 for One Fractional Resurfacing Treatment (Reg $700)