
For individuals who struggle with dental anxiety, even routine teeth cleanings can feel stressful and overwhelming. Fortunately, there are options like sedation dentistry that can help patients take the edge off or even sleep through a procedure. To find out if you’re a candidate for this innovative method, consider the information below. 

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Who Is & Isn’t a Candidate?

There are various forms of sedation dentistry, including oral, IV, and inhaled sedation. While each of these forms of sedation can be effective based on the details of different dental procedures, some people shouldn’t receive these medications. 

For instance, while sedation can be used on children, it should be administered very carefully by a trained dentist or nurse anesthetist to prevent potential complications. Sedation dentistry also isn’t recommended for people who are allergic to anesthesia, or for women who are pregnant. 

sedation dentistryFortunately, your dentist will carefully evaluate your medical history to determine whether or not sedation is safe for you. If you’re considering sedation, bring a list of all of your current medications and medical conditions to give the dentist a better idea of your overall health. 

When Should You Consider Sedation? 

If you are a candidate for sedation dentistry, you should consider if your anxieties are significant enough to interfere with the procedure. For instance, if you have a strong gag reflex, sedation could help you relax, improving the outcome of the treatment. Additionally, if you’re scared of going to the dentist because of pain, this procedure may be just the thing to alleviate those anxieties. Sedation dentistry is also ideal for people who struggle to control their movements, since sedation medications could help you keep still. 


Because every situation is different, talk with your dentist to learn more about your candidacy for sedation dentistry. The experienced dentists at Riviera Dental Care in Foley, AL, are committed to creating a safe, comfortable environment for each of their patients. They offer a range of different treatment options including preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dental procedures, and are proud to offer sedation dentistry to help those with anxiety have a positive experience. Find out more about how they can help you by visiting their website, or call (251) 943-3368 to schedule an appointment today.
