
If you’ve invited a new pet into the family, your veterinarian has likely suggested spaying or neutering. Many dog and cat owners, unfortunately, forego this surgery out of worry for how it will affect their furry family member. However, it plays an integral role in their health and in maintaining the animal population at a reasonable level. The guide below seeks to ease your fears by answering some commonly asked questions about the procedure.

What to Know About Spaying & Neutering

Why are spaying and neutering important?

Overpopulation is an ongoing problem in the animal world. Dogs and cats born on the street are often euthanized if no one adopts them. Spaying and neutering drastically cut down on this issue. It’s also healthy for male and female pets; males will avoid testicular cancer and prostate issues and females won’t go into heat or develop uterine infections or breast cancer.

What’s the surgery like?

veterinarianYour veterinarian has likely performed countless spay and neuter surgeries. They’re very straightforward procedures with minimal risk. First, your pet is anesthetized. Then, the reproductive organ is removed based on their gender.  Surgery can take 30-60 minutes, with females taking longer than males.  

How long is the recovery?

Pets can leave the clinic as soon as the procedure has finished and they’ve regained consciousness. They’ll likely be groggy from the anesthesia, so give them plenty of time to sleep and rest at home. On average, recovery time takes a full 24-hours to recover from the anesthesia and about 2 weeks for full recovery. Their veterinarian will want them to wear a cone to prevent licking the incision site. If you notice swelling or if your pet remains fatigued for more than a day, reach out to your veterinarian with your concerns.


Spaying and neutering offer lifelong benefits for pets. To sign your cat or dog up for a procedure, talk to the staff at Wachal Pet Health Center. Located in Lincoln, NE, owners Mark and Jane Wachal are proud to offer a number of pet care services. Their team, led by veterinarians Dr. Mark Wachal and  Dr. Kelly Jordan, takes a personalized, compassionate approach to treatment, and provides teeth cleaning, pet microchipping, and emergency vet services. Visit their website to explore their offerings further. For more questions, call (402) 477-7877 today.
