
Lent is a religious practice that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends right before Easter Sunday. During this time, Christians give up something or choose to do acts for others to pay respect to Jesus’ sacrifices. Many people who observe this tradition cut out certain foods and meals from their diet, such as steaks or burgers. However, some of them still enjoy fish. Here are some reasons why Christians eat fish during Lent.

Fish Wasn’t Considered as Fancy as Meat

While fish has a pleasant taste, it isn’t as rich as steaks or pork chops. During Lent, Christians are supposed to give up something that brings them great pleasure. Fish is a more modest meat than steak or beef and can thus be consumed during this time.

Fish Was Inexpensive

steaksAlthough fish can be expensive at grocery stores these days, it was very economical in biblical times. People just went to a lake or river and caught their dinner for free. They didn’t need any high-tech equipment to retrieve it either. Because it wasn’t considered a treat, it was and remains to be okay to eat during Lent.

Fish Was Frequently Eaten During Roman Times

In Roman Times, many people could only afford to eat fish and vegetables. Meat was considered a luxury just for the wealthy. Because Lent is a time to eat more basic food, Christians can eat all the fish they want and still honor Jesus. 


If you’re in the mood for fish, stop by Buzzard Billy’s in Lincoln, NE. This restaurant serves both Cajun and American food and makes customer service their priority. From blackened catfish and fried alligator to steaks and burgers, they have something for everybody. Don’t forget to wash your meal down with a refreshing cocktail, like the Category 5 Hurricane or strawberry margarita. For more information about their menu, call (402)-475-8822 or visit their website.
