
For decades, liposuction has been one of the most common methods of fat reduction used by cosmetic surgeons in the United States. While the traditional method of liposuction is effective, many patients are now looking to a more advanced option, known as Smartlipo™. If you’re looking to slim and contour your body, here’s what you should know before choosing between Smartlipo and traditional liposuction.

SmartLipo vs. Traditional Liposuction


In traditional liposuction, a surgeon makes incisions near the treatment area. A cannula—or a suction tube—is inserted into these incisions, then the specialist manipulates the fat tissue in the area. As the tissue detaches, it is removed through the tube.

liposuctionSmartlipo approaches fat removal in a similar fashion, but involves the use of specialized lasers. These lasers safely melt the fat in the treatment area, making the removal process easier. Once the fat is removed, additional lasers are used to tighten the skin and cauterize blood vessels.

Anesthesia Requirements

Traditional liposuction requires patients to undergo general anesthesia within a hospital setting under the care of a trained anesthesiologist. While this medication lets you sleep through the procedure painlessly, it does involve standard risks.

On the other hand, Smartlipo only requires local anesthesia, which only numbs the nerves in the treatment area. It allows you to stay conscious, reducing the number of risks involved with the procedure.

Skin Care

Although both techniques are effective at reducing fat, traditional liposuction may leave behind sagging skin if a considerable amount of tissue was removed. Dimpling and bruising may also occur.

With Smartlipo, lasers help tighten skin. Cauterizing blood vessels also lessens bruising. Since Smartlipo requires smaller incisions than traditional liposuction, patients typically don’t need to worry about visible scarring.


As a more invasive surgery, traditional liposuction may require weeks of rest during recovery. Wearing a compression garment for six weeks or longer is also typical. Smartlipo, on the other hand, generally only requires a few days of recovery time and compression garment use for about three weeks.


If you’re curious to find out how Smartlipo can transform your body in a comfortable and convenient fashion, visit The Ferguson Clinic in Honolulu, HI. Since 2003, the Oahu cosmetic surgery center has provided procedures like face-lifts and breast augmentations as well as non-invasive skin care like facials and chemical peels. Learn more about how the team will enhance your appearance online. To schedule a free consultation, call (808) 521-1999.
