
For women hoping to have a child, an infertility diagnosis can be frustrating. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 11% of women will experience complications with infertility. However, this diagnosis doesn’t mean having a family is impossible. A doctor can help assess your particular situation and find treatments that can help.

What Is Infertility?

If you have been trying to conceive for at least a year, or six months for those over 35, with no success, it’s time to see a doctor. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive and can stem from a number of different causes. For some, it’s the failure to ovulate, which occurs in 40% of women who experience infertility. Failure to ovulate is sometimes the result of lifestyle factors such as obesity and substance abuse. High blood pressure and other medical complications such as endocrine disorders like thyroid disease can also play a part. 

As women age, it becomes increasingly difficult to conceive. As early as 30 years old, fertility begins to decline. Eggs begin to die off slowly at a rate that increases significantly by the mid-30s.

Minimization of Risk Factors

Infertility Though many factors that determine infertility can’t be changed, certain lifestyle choices can help, such as diet and exercise. Harvard researchers found that a diet that includes folic acid, B12, and Omega-3 fatty acids had a positive impact on fertility. Think leafy greens, salmon, and full-fat dairy products, such as yogurt and ice cream.

Exercise also plays a role in fertility. Women who engaged in intense workouts at least five hours a week were 42% less likely to get pregnant than those who did not exercise. That’s because exercise can hinder implantation of the fertilized egg and disrupt menstrual cycles. A sedentary lifestyle, however, can deprive you of helpful benefits such as stress reduction and weight loss. To increase the odds of conception, try lighter exercises, such as walking and cycling, about 30 to 60 minutes a day.


If you’re concerned about infertility and would like to explore your options, contact Medical Center Urology in High Point, NC. For over 25 years Dr. Puschinsky and his team of medical professionals have been helping men and women struggling with fertility issues in a compassionate and comprehensive manner. Call them today to schedule an appointment at (336) 882-0220. For more information on their other services, including help with kidney stones, urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction, visit their website.  
